Sei Shin Ryu is a traditional, non-competitive martial art

teaching effective self-defense for ADULTS and Children


Mind – Body – Spirit 



Class Locations and times

Gritman Martin Wellness Center (Moscow)
510 West Palouse River Dr.
Moscow ID, 83843

Karate: 6:00-7:30 PM

Troy Elementary School (Multi-Purpose Room)
103 Trojan Dr.
Troy, ID 83871

Karate: 6:00-8:00 PM
Jujitsu: 6:00-7:00 PM

Sei Shin Ryu

Sei Shin Ryu Karate and Jujitsu training are based on the Samurai Bushido Code. Loyalty, honor, justice, wisdom, courage, perseverance, respect, courtesy, self-control, benevolence, veracity, peace, and mind-body-spirit integration.

All classes begin and end with a formal bowing in ceremony. Commands are given in Japanese. Students are expected to be clean, neat, and attentive. Emphasis is on respect and safety for everyone in class. Students begin at white belt and progress by degree to black belt.

In addition to effective self-defense, students develop balance, stamina, coordination, quick reflex, confidence, and respect for self and others.


One and two hour self-defense seminars are available.  Seminars cover the following topics:

  • Basic self-defense techniques        
  • Situational awareness
  • Self-defense psychology 

Please contact us to find out more about seminars. Groups interested in a seminar are welcome to call and arrange times.  

Upcoming Seminars:

  • Learn how to be a hard target
    Date/Time:  (coming soon)
    Location: (TBD)